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Decision time is upon you!


Decision time is upon you!

May 23, 2024

The region 12 NLRB in Tampa has made their ruling and has sided with you on all areas of contention. This ruling will allow you to finally have a say in how you would like to be represented. For many of you this has been a long time coming and now that the election notice has been determined, we want to prepare you for the upcoming months and layout the procedure you can expect.

As per the Notice of Election:

Eligible voters are defined as all full-time and regular part-time licensed deck officers, including Chief Mates, Floating Chief Mates, Second Mates, and Third Mates, employed by the Employer on U.S flag vessels operated by the Employer, who were employed by the Employer during the payroll period ending May 08, 2024.

The ballots will be mailed to you on June 12, 2024, and must be returned to the Tampa NLRB office by October 22, 2024 where they will be counted and your future representation will be determined.

As we move forward in this process, we encourage you to consider some of the following facts:

  • There will be stronger representation to improve working conditions and pay with a combined bargaining unit of Deck and Engine officers.  
  • With M.E.B.A. representation you will no longer work at the behest of the company and subject to their every whim, you will have a say in where and when you work.
  • With M.E.B.A. representation you will no longer have to pay out of your own pocket to take courses to upgrade and maintain your license and hope to get reimbursed years later if at all.
  • M.E.B.A. has an existing relationship with OSG and has leverage to bring them to the negotiating table to get you the best contract you deserve.
  • In order for you to begin to reap the rewards of solidarity, a contract will need to be reached.  You have already been in this waiting status for far too long, only M.E.B.A. has the ability to quickly secure a solid contract to prevent your limbo status from dragging out for years.  Choose M.E.B.A. and start to build a great pension right away.

As part of the election process, the company will have to provide all parties with contact information for all employees so you will soon be getting information from us directly to your email. Our goal is to inform you about M.E.B.A. and what we can do for you so that you can make the most educated decision possible. Please reach out if you have any specific questions about the voting process or any benefit or union questions that have not been covered.